Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 2, 2015

Thông báo

Happy New Year 2015 Ất Mùi!

Năm mới G8coffee xin kính chúc tất cả Quý Khách một năm mới tràn đầy sức khỏe & vạn sự như ý.

Hôm nay, 28/02/2015 G8coffee đã làm việc trở lại sau thời gian nghỉ Tết.
Rất mong nhận được nhiều sự ủng hộ & hợp tác phát triển cùng Quý ACE.

Tel:0913136345 Mr Đức

Trân trọng.,

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 2, 2015


You would be hard pressed to find another beverage besides coffee whose health benefits or concerns are more controversial. It seems with each passing year, coffee is hailed as either medicine or poison, but this year it seems the findings have been positive. Let’s take a look at a few recent conclusions.
Coffee May Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s
In a study on mice, researchers gave them the equivalent of 3-5 cups strong coffee and found that after two months the subjects had a greatly improved memory. It may be because the caffeine reduces inflammation in the brain, which would improve memory, or because they had 50% less amyloid beta protein in their brains. Testing the memory of a mouse, what an interesting job.
As for studies on humans, lead researcher on the project, Miia Kivipelto, a professor at the University of Kuopio in Finland and at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, said, “Middle-aged people who drank between three and five cups of coffee a day lowered their risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by between 60 and 65 percent later in life.” She also said it remained unclear exactly how moderate coffee drinking helped delay or avoid the onset of dementia, but pointed out that coffee contains strong antioxidants, which are known to counter Alzheimer’s.
Coffee Cups
Coffee May Help Diabetics
Previous studies have affirmed that a high consumption of coffee may lower the risk for type 2 diabetes, and now another study on 15 overweight men was performed, focusing on two specific compounds found in coffee, chlorogenic acid and trigonelline. The researchers examined the effects on both glucose and insulin concentrations and found a significant reduction in glucose and insulin 15 minutes after the oral glucose tolerance test, a two-hour procedure commonly used to diagnose diabetes. They believe that these specific compounds contribute to the overall beneficial effect of coffee on the development of type 2 diabetes.
Caffeine Used to Fight Skin Cancer
Scientists now believe that both drinking caffeine and using sunscreens or after-sun creams containing caffeine may improve sun damaged skin and reduce the risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer. In a 2007 study it was shown that drinking caffeinated coffee caused a reduction in the risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer at a rate of 5% for each cup consumed per day.
Now researchers have shown that caffeine applied topically to the skin effectively protected skin cells after they were exposed to UV radiation. The reasoning behind it is believed to be that caffeine causes apoptosis, the programmed death of precancerous cells.
In one study, after exposing hairless mice to UV radiation, they found that topical applications of caffeine to the mice decreased the number of nonmalignant skin tumors by 44% and malignant skin tumors 72%. It increased apoptosis of nonmalignant skin tumors by 87% and squamous cell carcinomas 92%, and there was no effect on the non-tumor areas of the skin. This should be good news for those of us living in Arizona!
Coffee Helps Hepatitis C Patients
In an observation study it was found that patients with a hepatitis C virus infection who drank three cups or more of coffee per day appear to be less likely to suffer from progression of liver damage caused by the disease. In the study, those who drank 3 or more cups of coffee per day had livers that were much healthier than the other participants.
At the 13-month follow-up, outcome rates continued to decrease more for those who consumed three or more cups per day than those who drank little or no coffee, leading researchers to claim that “coffee consumption may slow the progression of fibrotic liver disease” (the result of the liver forming excessive fibrous connective tissue).

Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 2, 2015


Coffee is not only a product very economical price but also familiar drinks all classes of society. Because it gives us a lot of benefits in health and beauty.
Coffee is not only a product very economical price but also familiar drinks all classes of society. Because it gives us a lot of benefits in health and beauty.   According to the most recent survey, the coffee has topped the list of beverages achieved the highest sales in the cafe from budget to luxury, from teahouses to the five-star hotel.  Why coffee is so popular again? What kind of coffee is the best that consumers should use? ...
According to the most recent survey, the coffee has topped the list of beverages achieved the highest sales in the cafe from budget to luxury, from teahouses to the five-star hotel.
Why coffee is so popular again? What kind of coffee is the best that consumers should use? ...
As you know, recently a lot of ground coffee shops sprouting pure to meet the demand for pure coffee roasters. But the fact of coffee you can use clean & pure or not, we should be re-examined to ensure the quality of your health. Here Coffee G8 would share some way to recognize that we have a large selection of coffee for your company:
First look at the bean coffee beans are pure clean seeds are roasted wood, no additives. Mixed beans after roasting touch will see the goodness, as was impregnated adhesive additives, often fragrant smell this kind of other additives to clean pure coffee beans after roasting touch will not found greasy and nutrition, natural smell Theun, mild registration please doanhbang the pure organic coffee.
Distinguish organic coffee
Clean pure coffee powder distinguish how?
 First you holding two bags of coffee with equal volume up. Any bag larger, more expansion packs containing more than pure coffee powder (pure coffee bags blooming than soy flour and popcorn)
Coffee powder pure clean material is very light, porous, and to leave. Of grain flour usually stick, less to more.
Coffee really smell very natural, gentle and subtle, pleasant smell that is different from the smell of coffee "flavor" fierce concentration anonymously coffee coarse dirt
Pure coffee powder brown, rather evenly colored powder mixed with black as popcorn, roasted soybeans fire
Pure coffee powder in the water will boil huge swells. When pouring boiling water into the coffee fin will effervescent; Other mixed with coffee powder - it's not great, even disappears, coffee grounds mixed with high viscosity.
Get to know the country after coffee maker: soothing taste bitter, sour gentle, natural deep. After drinking you can feel the bitterness remains in the throat often several hours later. Cup of coffee always aftertaste lingered, but drank coffee cup but seductive smell still lingering around this problem in established businesses

Foam Coffee: Coffee water itself when struck with a little sugar to create one light brown foam looks very nice. Typical organic coffee foam evenly in size, more opaque and looks "heavy", but quickly falling.


Criteria good product quality, G8Coffee development strives constantly to bring our customers the product quality coffee and pure.
As all of us know using pure ground coffee is good for our health. Therefore understanding the possible benefits from coffee to G8coffee issued criteria for product quality is "For the Health Consumer".
coffee pure
With manufacturing processes in accordance with modern standards, from selecting the best varieties cultivated, nurtured coffee, choose the best seed roasting technology combines modern and talented hands of workers healthy profession dedicated work has kept the flavor of coffee featured in Buon Ma Thuot province. G8Coffee proud with its product quality and confidence in the marketplace International.
The G8 coffee products are consumer confidence and options on the market:
  1. G8 Coffee number 1, 2, ....


Với tiêu chí chất lượng sản phẩm tốt, Cà phê G8 luôn phấn đấu phát triển không ngừng để mang đến cho Quý khách hàng các sản phẩm cà phê chất lượng & nguyên chất.
Như tất cả chúng ta đều biết sử dụng cà phê rang xay nguyên chất rất có lợi cho sức khỏe chúng ta. Chính vì nắm bắt được những lợi ích tốt từ cà phê nên cà phê G8 đã đưa ra tiêu chí chất lượng cho sản phẩm là “Vì Sức Khỏe Người Tiêu Dùng”.
cà phê sạch, rang xay nguyên chất
Với quy trình sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn hiện đại, tốt nhất từ khâu chọn giống gieo trồng, chăm bón cây cà phê, lựa chọn hạt tốt nhất đến công nghê rang xay hiện đại và kết hợp bàn tay tài hoa của những người thợ lành nghề tận tụy với công việc đã luôn giữ lại hương vị đặt trưng của cà phê Buôn Ma Thuột. Cà phê G8 luôn tự hào với chất lượng sản phẩm của mình và tự tin trên thương trường Quốc Tế.
Các sản phẩm của cà phê G8 đã được người tiêu dùng tin tưởng & lựa chọn dùng trên thị trường:

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 2, 2015


Cà phê không chỉ là loại sản phẩm rất có giá kinh tế cao  mà còn là thức uống quen thuộc của mọi tầng lớp trong xã hội. Vì nó mang lại cho chúng ta rất nhiều lợi ích trong sức khỏe và làm đẹp.
Theo khảo sát gần đây nhất thì cà phê luôn đứng đầu trong danh sách loại thức uống đạt doanh số cao nhất tại các quán cà phê từ bình dân cho đến sang trọng, từ quán cóc cho đến những khách sạn năm sao.
Vì sao cà phê lại được ưa chuộng đến vậy? loại cà phê nào là tốt nhất mà người tiêu dùng nên sử dụng?...
cà phê nguyên chất, sạch
Như các bạn đã biết, thời gian gần đây rất nhiều quán cà phê rang xay nguyên chất mọc lên để đáp ứng nhu cầu dùng cà phê rang xay nguyên chất. Thế nhưng thực tế cà phê bạn dùng có sạch & nguyên chất hay không thì chúng ta nên kiểm định lại chất lượng để đảm bảo sức khỏe của mình. Sau đây Cà phê G8 xin chia sẻ một số cách nhận biết để chúng ta có sự lựa chọn Hãng cà phê cho mình:
Đầu tiên hãy nhìn vào hạt cà phê: Hạt cà phê sạch nguyên chất là hạt được rang mộc, không có chất phụ gia. Hạt cà phê pha tạp sau khi rang sờ vào sẽ thấy có độ nhơn, dính vì đã tẩm các loại phụ gia, mui loại này thường thơm nồng của các chất phụ gia khác với hạt cà phê sạch nguyên chất sau khi rang sờ vào sẽ không thấy nhờn và dinh, mùi thơn tự nhiên, dịu nhẹ hãy đăng ký kinh doanhbằng những cà phê sạch nguyên chất.
Cà phê bột sạch nguyên chất phân biệt thế nào ?
Trước tiên bạn cầm hai bịch cà phê có khối lượng bằng nhau lên. Bịch nào to hơn, nở hơn là bịch có chứa nhiều bột cà phê nguyên chất hơn (bịch cà phê nguyên chất nở hơn bột đậu nành và bắp rang)
Bột cà phê nguyên sạch nguyên chất rất nhẹ, có độ xốp , tơi và rời. Bột của hạt ngũ cốc thường dính lại, ít tơi hơn.
Cà phê thực sự có mùi thơm rất tự nhiên, nhẹ nhàng mà tinh tế, đó là thứ mùi dễ chịu khác với mùi cà phê “hương liệu” gay gắt nồng nặc thô thiển của cà phê bẩn
Bột cà phê nguyên chất có màu nâu, đồng đều chứ không có mầu đen thui như bột pha bắp rang, đậu nành rang cháy
Bột cà phê nguyên chất khi gặp nước sôi sẽ nở ra rất lớn. Khi rót nước đang sôi vào fin thì cà phê sẽ sủi bọt; khác với bột cà phê pha tạp - độ nở không lớn, thậm chí xẹp đi, bã cà phê pha tạp có độ dính cao.
Nhận biết nước cà phê sau khi pha: Mùi vị đắng dịu, có vị chua nhẹ nhàng, sâu lắng tự nhiên. Sau khi uống bạn có thể cảm nhận vị đắng đọng lại ở cổ họng thường rất nhiều giờ sau đó. Tách cà phê luôn có hậu vị lưu luyến, tuy đã uống cạn ly nhưng mùi cà phê quyến rũ vẫn vương vấn quanh đây trong vấn đề thành lập doanh nghiệp
Bọt cà phê: Bản thân nước pha cà phê khi đánh lên với đường cũng tạo ra 1 ít bọt màu nâu sáng trông rất đẹp. Bọt cà phê sạch tiêu biểu khá đồng đều về kích cỡ, đục hơn và trông “dày” hơn, nhưng mau xẹp xuống.

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 2, 2015

Our company is looking for cooperation export & Trust and accepted as part of the coffee beans, coffee powder, instant coffee types.

Chào mọi người, Công ty chúng tôi cần tìm & hợp tác xuất khẩu ủy thác và nhận làm gia công cà phê hạt, cà phê bột, cà phê hòa tan các loại.
Hi everyone, Our company is looking for cooperation export & Trust and accepted as part of the coffee beans, coffee powder, instant coffee types.

Quý doanh nghiệp, cá nhân cần hợp tác vui lòng liên hệ trao đổi trực tiếp với tôi: 0913 136 345 Đức hoặc g8coffeevn@gmail.coml.
You businesses and individuals to cooperate exchange please contact me directly:
+84.913 136 345 or

Cám ơn!
Thank you!

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 2, 2015

Tìm đại lý phân phối cafe sạch, rang xay nguyên chất Toàn Quốc - 0913 136 345

Chào mọi người. Công ty mình đang đang cần tìm các nhà phân phối trên toàn quốc. Khi làm nhà phân phối các bạn sẽ được hưởng quyền lợi tốt nhất của công ty giành cho các bạn.Mọi người hãy liên hệ để trao đổi trực tiếp với mình nhé.
Tel:0913136345 Đức

Cám ơn

Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 2, 2015


Irina Nikitina là một nhiếp ảnh gia nghiệp dư từ Nga, người đã tạo ra các phim hoạt hình sáng tạo với hạt cà phê.
Hạt cafe sạch G8 hình con cừu.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.
Hạt cafe sạch G8.


Vietnamese style iced coffee (ca phe sua da or cà phê sữa đá) is super easy to make and all you need is a stainless steel filter that costs around $7 USD online. If you live in a city with a Vietnamese grocery store, you will likely find them even cheaper.
Vietnamese coffee can be served hot, but for this tutorial we are going to brew an iced coffee that is both strong and sweet.
Although it is traditional to use dark roasted coffee for this drink, I discovered it is perfectly fine to use a medium roast. However, light roasted coffees should be avoid as they tend to be overpowered by the sweetness of the condensed milk.
What You’ll Need
Vietnamese Coffee Filter
Ground coffee
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Glass or mug
How to Brew Vietnamese Iced Coffee June 9, 2014 by Michael Allen Smith  Vietnamese style iced coffee (ca phe sua da or cà phê sữa đá) is super easy to make and all you need is a stainless steel filter that costs around $7 USD online. If you live in a city with a Vietnamese grocery store, you will likely find them even cheaper.  Vietnamese coffee can be served hot, but for this tutorial we are going to brew an iced coffee that is both strong and sweet.  Although it is traditional to use dark roasted coffee for this drink, I discovered it is perfectly fine to use a medium roast. However, light roasted coffees should be avoid as they tend to be overpowered by the sweetness of the condensed milk.  What You’ll Need  Vietnamese Coffee Filter Ground coffee Sweetened Condensed Milk Spoon Glass or mug Ice Vietnamese Coffee Brewer  Vietnamese Coffee Filter Set
#1 Add Condensed Milk to Glass
You don’t need much, as condensed milk is very sweet. Start with just enough to cover the bottom, maybe 1/3 of an inch (~1 cm). You can always add more later. Don’t add the ice yet. That is the last step.
#1 Add Condensed Milk to Glass
#2 Remove the Top Screen of Filter
The coffee will go underneath the top screen, so remove it before adding coffee.
#3 Add Ground Coffee to Filter
Add one rounded tablespoon of ground coffee. There are various opinions on the best grind level. Everything from french press coarse to espresso fine. How tight the filter is screwed on will also play a role. Medium grind is a good place to start.
Some variations of this recipe use chicory. This is optional. You could use a coffee such as Cafe du Monde, which has chicory in it or you could add it yourself. If you mix in chicory yourself, you don’t need more than 1/2 a teaspoon.
#3 Add Ground Coffee to Filter
#4 Cover with Top Filter
Screw the top filter until it is snug. If you decided to use a coarse grind, you may need to go a little tighter. More on that below.
#4 Cover with Top Filter
#5 Set Brewer Over Glass with Stand
The advantage of brewing into a glass instead of a mug is you can watch the brewing take place.
Setup brewer on glass
#6 Add Hot Water
Fill the Vietnamese Coffee Filter with hot water. I usually take water to boil and then let it cool for about 30 seconds before pouring.
The water should take between 4 and 5 minutes to pass through the filter. If it goes too fast, you can either tighten the top filter or use a less coarse grind. If it goes too slow, either the grind is too fine or the filter is screwed in too tight.
There is also a lid you can place on top of the filter. I don’t use it. I prefer to monitor the progress of the brew so I know if I need to make adjustments in the grind or adjust the tightness of the top filter.
Setup brewer on glass
#7 Wait for Brew to Complete
The easiest part. Just wait for the water to pass through the filter. For the first fews brews, use a timer. The coffee will drip through the filter. Aim for between 4 and 5 minutes. See the advice in Step #6 if you are outside that range.
Wait for Brew to Complete
#8 Mix the Coffee and Condensed Milk
Stir the condensed milk into the brewed coffee. Some recipes call for adding additional sugar. I found the drink sweet enough, but let your palate be your judge.
Wait for Brew to Complete
#9 Serve With Ice
Mix the ice into the drink and enjoy!
#9 Serve With Ice
Source: ineedcoffee


I love cowboy coffee. If not so much for the taste, as for the setting. I do a lot of backpacking. I used to use those coffee bags and then discovered cowboy coffee out of necessity when I couldn’t find the bags in the podunk town General Store near the trailhead. When you figure out how to make cowboy coffee it usually tastes better than the bags. Additionally, I feel OK dumping coffee grounds though always pack the bags out with me.
cowboy coffee Cowboy coffee
Bring one quart of water to a boil in a saucepan.
Add 3/4 cup of ground coffee.
Return to boil.
Immediately remove from heat and cover.
Wait till the grounds sink (approximately 5 minutes).
The Keys to Coyboy Coffee
The first key to making decent cowboy coffee is process repetition. Measure the water and the coffee to ensure a consistent ratio every time. I use about 50% more coffee grounds than I do for an equivalent amount of water in my home ADC coffee maker. I live in Albuquerque at 5,000 feet elevation, when you hike up above 10,000 feet the boiling temp goes way down and you need to add considerably more coffee grounds. If you live at normal altitudes it’s really not much of a consideration. So measure your water and get it boilling, that’s step one.
Step two is adding the coffee grounds. I like to let it return to a boil for just long enough to get the grounds wet. Be very watchful though as a minute of boiling and the tastes goes downhill. Caveat here is elevation; at 10,000 feet boiling for a minute seems OK bitter wise and necessary to get any flavor at all.
Don’t Add Cold Water
I’ve read of adding cold water to sink the grounds. Grounds sink when they cool. Adding cold water makes cold coffee. I never add water. The grounds usually sink in 5 minutes, quicker if the air is cold. If it’s over say, 70° F, after 5 minutes I take the lid off the pan for 5 seconds, put it back on, and in one minute the grounds will be settled. Fresh air cools the grounds and they fall leaving the rest of the brew as warm as possible.
Keeping The Coffee Warm
I carefully select where I’m going to set my pan of coffee. I always make numerous cups. After the 5 minutes of brewing the spot on the ground becomes warm and helps keep the remaining coffee warm. Sand or other soft ground works best, gravelly surfaces the worst as they let lots of air flow by the bottom of the pan.
Always insulate your pot somehow. Usually I wrap it in a jacket or clothing though in the winter your sleeping bag works the best. The ultimate is sand. I dig a hole, put my pot of coffee in it and push the sand up around the sides. Dribble a wee little bit of water around the outside of the pan and in 5 minutes when you pull the pot out of the hole the heat and moisture will hold the sand in perfect shape.
cowboy coffee brewing Photo by Sarah Nuehring
It’s good to set the pot somewhere with a mild slope. This way the grounds settle into the corner of the pan instead of evenly on the bottom. When you pour the coffee handle the pot as gently as possible so as not to disturb the grounds. Best to maintain the slope the pan has been sitting at and pour by tilting in that direction. Hold the cup near the pot, move the pot as little as possible.
Not “Good to the Last Drop”
Just like a finely brewed turkish blend cowboy coffee is not expected to be good to the last drop. It’s good habit to learn to throw away the last tablespoon or so of each cup so as to avoid consumtion of the bitter solids. Grounds and water fly out of the pot nicely with a flick of the wrist. Distribute evenly over the land. Non-immersed grounds like to stick to the pot and each other. I think scattered single grounds qualify as leave no trace while a big pile of grounds does not. I don’t like to spend any more resources cleaning pots than absolutely necessary.
Percolators on the Trails
I’ve seen all manner of camping coffee devices for sale. I’ve finished my whole pot of coffee while friends were still waiting for their percolator to perk an ever so slightly tastier cup of joe. My method is somewhat simple, requires zero overhead, and has worked wonderfully for me for five years. I’ve received many compliments on my coffee, normally wow, this is a surprisingly good cup of coffee, usually from the frou-frou coffee making device set.
Why I wrote this Article
A few years ago, Outside magazine did an article on backpacking coffee makers. They began with a diss of cowboy coffee; then proceeded to tout all these heavy and expensive devices. I wrote them a letter of complaint and stated that I felt they were trying to sell coffee makers. I suggested that a how-to article on cowboy coffee creation would have been much more appropriate than saying we’ve all had cold, awful cowboy coffee, straining the ground through our teeth. I requested that my gift subscription be cancelled in that letter.
I suppose this attempt at an article is my attempt to right that wrong. I’ve never seen an article on making cowboy coffee. Once I got it figured out, I taught my Dad (who has been camping his whole life). Now he’s hooked too. An added bonus, is that when I spend the night in a non-coffee drinker’s house I only need to bring some grounds to get my early morning fix.
Source: ineedcoffee